Released 9/4/2024
Worker App
- Display "Secured" tag on secured shifts.
Business Web App
- Display Sven Fee to Business User in portal
- JP User sent Active automatically when Location goes Live
- Add Additional Skills for Chefs for Hospitality and Restaurant Awards
- Skills match Limiting - Worker does not see Shift unless at least 10% match
- Introduced Smart Re-tries to payment processing - allowing Admin & JP to retry payments when failed
Released 25/3/2024
Worker App
- Display shift address in shift cards
- Display Custom Shift Instruction on shift cards
Business Web App
Fixed Skills showing as 0/12 ( Zero was not being calculated correctly.)
Adjusted Sven Payroll fee to show as $0.00
Fixed Carousel so second row of candidates could be seen and selected.
Fixed Worker selection from full profile view from selecting the wrong worker when selected.
Fixed declined workers from appears and requiring processing on Timesheets
Rate your workers screen was not formatting correctly on the screen
Added Custom Shift Instructions option to Shift creation page
Invite worker to Platform / Favorites ( Both on and off platform users )
- Make JP User active when Location is created
- Worker Notifications to all relevant workers when shift is returned from secured to available.
Released 20/3/2024
Worker App
- Release Status improvements including Standby and Declined
- Released better sorting for the "My Shifts" page - with actionable statuses ( Like Secured and Declined, Cancelled by JP) appearing on the main page, and all other more informational ones ( Like Standby, Declined, Cancelled by Worker ) appearing on the Show All sections.
- Job Provider ratings shown to workers now calculate in line with the worker Ratings - Shows "New to Sven" until 4 Ratings can be averaged.
- Shift Address now shown in Shift Cards ( Where to go to for this shift )
- Workaround deployed for "Swipe up" issue on some models of phone where the Screen Size is impacting the normal Swipe function.
- Completion Rate shown to worker to indicate reliability
- Worker Experience now displayed on Worker Profile view to worker - to reflect what the Job Provider will see.
Business Web App
- Favorites list of Workers available
- Additional Metrics on Worker Profiles includes what skills match to this role - and on the worker detail view - Qty of Shifts worked for you & Qty of Shifts worked under this award are shown.
- Worker Completion Rate shown to Job Providers to indicate reliability.
- Add Existing Sven Worker to Favorites based on Email address or from Shift Completed or Timesheet
- Invite Non-Sven user to the Sven platform - and gets added to Favorites once onboarded
- Improved the Workflow for returning Standby Workers to the Worker Approval page shown to Job Providers when a position opens up again.
- Multi-shift creation allows the Job Provider to create multiple shifts via the one process
- Ability to Archive a Job - so it no longer appears on the Job Board ( possibly needs toggle to view archived - and unarchive button )
- Fixed issue where worker timesheet notifications about shift were appearing for Job Provider
- Hide the Social Media details of workers from Job Provider
- Allow workers to view and apply / secure shifts up to 1min before shift Start Time.
- Sven Payroll fee changed to $0.00
- Fixed bug where marking the Shift as "Did Not Do It" cancelled the shift itself
- Fixed issue where due to multiple shift type on one Job Card its it was unclear whether to show the button as Secure or Apply
- Default new Job Provider signups as "View and Approve" for Shifts posted.
Released 22/2/2024
Worker App
- Validation added to Emergency Email address to ensure it is a real email address.
- Worker Approvals released to allow workers to submit their interest for a shift.
Business Web App
- Worker Approvals released - so Job Providers and view and approve from the suggested workers.
Released 1/2/2024
Worker App
- Improvements to Tax File Number Submission - requirements explained better.
- Work Experience added to Worker Profile Page
- Text improvements added to Shifts to explain Base Rates and Penalty rates may apply.
- Cancel Reasons are no longer displayed to Workers and Job Providers
- Sneek Peek added for workers as they progress through Onboarding
Business Web App
- Job Providers able to advise an email address per location for Invoices to be included when sent.
- Ability to Clone Jobs including between locations
- Warning if Location Details are being changed whilst Shifts or Jobs are Active.
- Workers Compensation Rates now calculated based on Award and State.
- More Fields on existing Jobs are able to be updated.
- Job Providers can now preview Jobs /Shifts as the Worker will see them.
- Cancel Reasons are no longer displayed to Workers and Job Providers
- Job Provider can now edit the number of positions on a Job - if not filled.
- Improvements to Signup to ensure Verification Links no longer fail for some users.
- Worker Experience can now be seen on the Workers Profile page.
- Admin can now mark a shift as "Not Done" when in dispute for no-shows.
- Sven Fee is now stored per Job Provider and defaults to a Sven Default rate if blank.